theatre - puppetry - creative learning

Learning Projects
At The Museum of London

Shadow Puppetry Schools Programme
Since 2014, Oliver has delivered his unique "Prehistoric Settlement in the Thames Valley" school programme for the Museum of London to 1000s of primary-age children. Designed in collaboration with the Museum's learning team, Oliver has created a learning experience which teaches young people about prehistoric London, from the Ice Age to the Iron Age, through the medium of shadow puppetry, interactive activities and object handling. This session is ongoing, all year round - for more information or to book for your school group, please visit the Museum of London's school page here.

Monster Attack!
Oliver designed and led a giant puppet making project in collaboration with 100s of young visitors to the museum over the autumn half term of 2013 . Exploring the character of "Father Thames", the young visitors were invited to engage with range of Thames and London-related exhibits and then participated in specially designed workshops to create various body parts of the final giant puppet. Performed by a team of 5 professional puppeteers, Father Thames was brought to life within the museum on the final day. For more information click here.