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Directed and original adaptation by Oliver James Hymans
Original music composed / performed live by Giuseppe Lomeo
Performed by the Little Angel Youth Theatre
Presented at Little Angel Theatre, March 2016. 

Little Angel Youth Theatre presented their own unique interpretation of Mary Shelley's classic gothic tale. A scientist discovers the secret of animating matter and energises a monstrous creature, which proceeds to wreak havoc on his life and on the lives of everyone he loves.


Working with professional theatre director and puppet maker Oliver James Hymans, the young company have devised, designed and made the puppets in this new production. Incoporating life-sifed puppet and live, original music composed by Giuseppe Lomeo.


"The puppetry throughout is of top quality, as might be expected from young people learning theatre making in this building".

Total Theatre Magazine [on The Jabberwocky]

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