theatre - puppetry - creative learning

Promised / Beloofde Land
Loft Puppet Company
Director Oliver James Hymans
Writers Louis Roux / Andrico Goosen
Produced by The Loft Puppet Company
Choir The Abonwabisi Brothers
Music Director Talita Beyl
Lighting Jako Beyleveld
Puppeteers Anoecha Krüger, Elisha Zeeman & Marelize Viljoen
Clown Andrico Goosen
Supported by Nasionale Afrikaanse Teater-Inisiatief and US Woordfees.
Photography Chris De Beer
Promised / Beloofde Land, a multidisciplinary production featured puppetry, clowning, live original music and an eight piece all-male choir. This was an international collaboration between South Africa's The Loft Puppet Company, the multi-talented Abonwabisi Brothers of Cape Town's Khayelitsha, and London-based director Oliver James Hymans. Through magical realism, this was the imagined story of Alan Kurdi, the Syrian refugee boy who drowned in the Mediterranean Sea and whose image made global headlines in 2015.
The production featured a variety of puppets including a six-metre long whale, 120 jelly fish, nine angler fish and a three-metre wide manta ray and was presented in 2018 as part of US Woordfees, South Africa's leading festival of Afrikaans performance and arts.